Bill Turley

Bill Turley

Special Projects Director, CDRA

William M. Turley is founder and former executive director of the Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA), a national trade association representing the recyclers of construction materials. He currently serves as special projects director of the 30-year-old association, which promotes recycling and reuse and provides an information exchange on the practice of recycling concrete, asphalt, gypsum, wood and asphalt shingles, among other related materials.

He created and organizes C&D World, the annual meeting of the CDRA, now in its 32nd year. Turley also helped develop the Certification of Recycling Rates (CORR) program to help prevent sham recycling in the construction and demolition (C&D) industry. The program was created to ISO-level protocols and was necessary in response to fraud taking place under green building programs. He is president of the board of directors of the Recycling Certification Institute, which administers the program.

Turley shepherded the exemption of C&D wood fuel from EPA’s Non Hazardous Secondary Materials rule so the market can continue as it has for years. C&D biomass often is the financial underpinning of any mixed C&D recycling facility and allows it to recycle other materials in the waste stream.