Matt Spencer

Matt Spencer


Matt Spencer joined LRS in 2023 as its new chief executive officer. He brings a wealth of experience in the environmental services industry and has a proven track record of transformative leadership. With a strong commitment to safety, sustainability and innovation, Matt is poised to lead LRS into a new era of growth and environmental stewardship. His people-first approach and dedication to pushing boundaries supports LRS’ vision of redefining waste management practices and paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

Prior to joining LRS, Matt held the position of chief executive officer with Sweeping Corp. of America (SCA) as well as chief operating officer at Waste Corp. of America (WCA). Additionally, in 2017, he was recognized by Waste360 in its annual “Top 40 Under 40” program, which recognizes inspiring and innovative professionals under the age of 40 whose work in waste, recycling and organics has made a significant contribution to the industry.