Scott Denbo

Scott Denbo

CEO, Commercial Insurance Associates, LLC

Scott joined C.I.A. in 2004 after working on fixed income strategy at a boutique asset manager in Los Angeles. Scott’s risk management experience concentrates on complex property and casualty placements, allowing him to provide clients with creative and cutting edge solutions. While he works with various industry verticals, his practice is currently focused on the railroad and recycling industries, as well as private equity. Scott attended Princeton University where he trained for the Olympics in shot put and earned a B. A. in modern American History. While at Princeton, he trained as a shot putter and earned NCAA All-American honors. Scott attended high school at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville. He is an active member of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) and the American Short Line Railroad Association (ASLRRA). Scott is married to Erin Denbo, who is a cancer survivor. They both hope to get more involved in charitable work helping other families face and beat cancer. He enjoys being active with his wife and two children enjoying outdoor activities and learning how to coach basketball. In 2010, he climbed Mount Rainier with fellow C.I.A. principal Craig Menzie.